
House SA and other Hall Organizations

Attention! Inquire with the organizers for more details if needed. Contact for guidance or concerns.

  • Schools
  • Departments
  • VERTEX, House II Students’ Association
    Vertex, House II Students' Association, HKUSTSU

    Hello everyone!! This is UG Hall II, VERTEX. We believe that most of you will be so nervous about making new friends and tackling academic difficulties in a completely new environment. In order to provide an opportunity for all of you to adapt the new environment more quickly and easily, we are going to organise an exciting, engaging, and entertaining O’camp which includes water games and campfire. Not only can freshman get to know one another, but also get some tips from seniors since our society has the highest number of Exco. Let’s embark your university journey in VERTEX!!

    - Period: Aug 20-22, 2024
    - Major Venues: UG HALL 2, 小蜜蜂農莊 at Shek Kong, The Wave at Kwun Tong
    - Itinerary: check it out HERE

  • Glacier, House III Students' Association
    Glacier, House III Students' Association, HKUSTSU

    The Orientation Camp presented by us, Glacier, HOUSE III SA, HKUSTSU, is one of the best Orientation Camp in HKUST. With our party night, exciting water games, and massive campfire, we make sure freshmen this year can have the best experience.

    - Period: Aug 20-22, 2024
    - Major Venue: HKUST UG HALL III
    - Itinerary: check it out HERE