Library Places for You
On your education journey, sometimes, you may want to be in a group. You want to collaborate with classmates or study with friends. Other times, you may want to be alone with your own thoughts: to concentrate, ponder, or wonder. The Library has different spaces and places for you, whatever your mood or needs.
The Learning Commons (LC) on LG1 is the student favourite. Open 24/7 during the Fall and Spring terms, it's a great place to work with your peers, with these cool and helpful things to explore and enjoy.
The LC has 4 types of spaces to suit your needs or moods: whether group discussions and project work, or simply enjoying alone time.

LC Study Rooms: 17 spacious rooms with big screens (TVs or interactive projectors, perfect for group project warriors! You can book them online! There are more study rooms on other floors!
Study Pods: The orange pods come with seating, good ventilation, and power & USB sockets. Compact and cozy!
Classroom: Equipped with computers & work surfaces! Classroom A has 32 iMacs & Classroom B has 28 PCs. When there's no classes, feel free to take a seat!

Open Study Area: There's plenty of seats outside the bookable study rooms! Quiet discussions are allowed in the LC. Keep the volume low to maintain a harmonious knowledge exchange environment. There's plenty of open study space on other floors too!
All work and no rest or play? No way! Taking a study break alone or with others can help energize, improve focus, or give new insights! Or, they are simply fun.
Refreshment Zone: Chill out and refuel in the Refreshment Zone: bring along your light refreshments or get a drink or snack there.

Nap Pods: Relax your body & mind in one of the nap pods. Set up for 20-minute sessions, you can also add in ambient music and diffuse colored lighting! Want to learn more? Go here!
Want an outlet for your inner creativity? Check out the following multimedia facilities in LC. We're excited to see more creative productions by our students!

Creative Media Zone: Want to create or edit graphics, audio visual, or do laser cutting? The Creative Media Zone (CMZ) gives you spaces & tools to do that and more! They have an advising service and will loan equipment too!
3D Printing Service: Make an appointment and bring the file of your model. Library staff will help you set it up. It's like a personally staffed 3-D studio. Go here to learn more. Have fun!
Tech Item Kiosk: You can't get creative without the right equipment! Borrow popular tech gadgets from a 24/7, self-service kiosk! Don't forget to return them as others may need them too.
The Idea Corner: A brainstorming and artistic expression space for all. Feel free to work on class projects, draw from your inner self, or challenge others to solve puzzles, etc.
Information Commons: Working alone or in a group? Here on the G/F you can enjoy a brightly lit space with computers, 3-in-1scanner-printer-copiers.
Garden & Terraces: When the weather is good, it's great to be able to read or watch or work outdoors in the Library's G/F Garden, or on the 6 other terraces on LG1, LG3, or LG4.
Quiet Solo Study – LG3: Every study space in the open areas on LG3 are single-person study spaces, for the times when you want to be alone with your thoughts, and enjoy a fine view.

Quiet Room 1/F: The quiet room on 1/F is full of nice large carrels with power points. This is a great spot when you want to be very quiet and focused.
Self-service Lockers: Want to go to lunch or a tea break "hands-free" & not haul your heavy stuff? Keep your belongings safe in the Octopus-operated lockers on LG1. First two hours are free, with $2 per hour charge after that.
Book Sterilizers: The Ultraviolet (UV-C) book sterilizers kills 99.9% of surface bacteria and viruses, including COVID-19. Good hygiene for borrowed books! They also prevent mold from spreading in the collection and ruining books. There's a small unit on G/F at the Circulation desk, and heavy-duty units on LG3 & LG4.
To help maintain a pleasant study environment at the Library, we ask you to observe our rules of behavior. Offenders are subject to fines and loss of library privileges according to the Demerit Schedule.